Information about the region

Title of the region: Ualikhanov District
Information for the period: 2017 год (II quarter)
General data:

Population on 1 stMay of 2016 year were 16921 people

The administrative centre: С.Кишкенеколь
Area: 12876.6 кв. км.
Economically active population: 9512 человек
Agroindustrial sector: 2
Food and processing industry: 1
Mining operations and minerals processing: 4
Tourism: 2
Education and science: 4
Health care: 1
Strategic priorities of development: Agro-industrial complex, Healthcare, Education and science, Food and processing industry, Tourism, Extraction and processing of commercial resources and minerals
Investment projects: No data has been found
Additional information: No data has been found
The Internet resourсe of the region: