Information about the region

Title of the region: Kyzylzhar District
Information for the period: 2017 год (II quarter)
General data:

Administrative-territorial division of Kyzylzhar district is presented by 19 rural districts, 72 rural settlements. The district borders on 4 districts of the North Kazakhstan region (Esil, Mamlyut, Akkayyn and M. Zhumabayev's region) and on 1 region of the Russian Federation (Tyumen).

Direction of development:
– Development of economy of the area;
– Development of the social sphere;
– Development of an infrastructure complex;
– Territorial (spatial) development of the area;
– Development of system of the state services.

The administrative centre: c. Бесколь
Area: 6150 кв. км.
Economically active population: 25130 человек
Agroindustrial sector: 2
Strategic priorities of development: Building industry, Agro-industrial complex, Food and processing industry, Tourism
Investment projects: Construction of a brick factory
Additional information: No data has been found
The Internet resourсe of the region: