Information about the region

Title of the region: Petropavlovsk
Information for the period: 2017 год (II quarter)
The administrative centre: город Петропавловск
Area: 224.91 кв. км.
Economically active population: 116191 человек
Large enterprises: На 1 октября 2016 года в городе зарегистрировано 6200 предприятий, из них малые – 6062, средние – 101, крупные – 37. Основную часть в объеме промышленной продукции занимает обрабатывающая промышленность - 64,5%.
Investment projects: Construction of a multi-specialty hospital, Data center, Factory of polypropylene bags production, Film faced plywood factory, Greenhouse complex construction, Household chemicals factory, Localization of agricultural machinery production CLAAS, Manufacturing of finished pharmaceutical products, Modernization of the dairy plant Eurasian Milk LLP, Modernization of the dairy product line, Oil Extraction Plant, Organization of production of autoclave gas blocks and plates, Production of electrical products, Production of insulated thermos wagons, Production of packaging and pigment paper, Production of paper products for sanitary and hygienic purposes, Restaurant and hotel health-improving complex, Wholesale distribution center, Woodworking plant
Additional information: No data has been found
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